Shine the light of Jesus into our dark world as a Vision Partner!
We are praying for 100 new Vision Partners to help keep From His Heart broadcasts going out all over the world, bringing real truth, real love, and real hope to more people living in darkness.
Vision Partners are friends like you who give monthly to help take God’s Word to the world through TV, radio, and online—so more people can know the truth for real.
And the amount of your monthly gift isn’t what matters. It’s knowing we can count on your sustained support to keep shining the light of Jesus every month.
We’ll say thanks for your first Vision Partner gift below by sending you Pastor Jeff’s powerful series Holy, Holy, Holy to give you renewed energy in your walk with God.
These powerful, truth-filled messages, help you check your heart to see where you are in your encounter with the God of the universe. So request your copy of the series below.
And thank you for your vital partnership!